Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Music on the Moon

One of my favorite NPR programs is WBUR's On Point with Tom Ashbrook.

Just yesterday they had a particularly interesting program topic, the dramatic announcement that NASA would soon turn over space travel - low-earth orbit, space station missions, and possible future travel to the moon - to private corporations. This is really a pivotal moment, perhaps on par with the launch of the Mercury astronauts, since it signals a change in momentum for a program that has long been dormant component of our National policy. It's also sparking debate as to whether private corporations are prepared for servicing this extremely high-risk, highly-expensive new market.

At the same time All Things Considered just ran a program on the history of music inspired by the notion of space flight (here is the complete article). So what do you think? Are we going to get space-age music (a new version "Night Flight to Venus" is a sure bet), or Kubrick-style reversion back to classics that evoke the experiential nature (lightness, silent space, chaos) of being in space?

1 comment:

  1. (Off-topic, but...)
    I recently came across this book review:
    and wanted to share. It sounds fascinating.
