Monday, February 1, 2010

Music for Haiti: Action-Based Learning At Its Best

Report: Our first event for 2010 was a smashing success! UWCU was gracious to host an hour-long seminar on "Financial Management for Aspiring Professionals" which proved both informative and engaging. Our seminar covered the essentials of budgeting, saving, and smart spending. Sprinkled with trivia questions about financial planning myths, we were also treated to lots of handy take-aways, including personal budgeting worksheets, and an outline for basic financial planning. And they managed to make this stuff fun! These guys rock, and I urge you to check out all the free seminars they offer.

Now, in lieu of my usual Arts Roundup post, I want to write more specifically about two exciting and urgent upcoming events. The UW Collegiate Chapter of the MTNA (for which I serve as a community advisor) has put together two concerts to raise money for Haiti relief. They're calling it "Music for Haiti," and (through these musical offerings) hope to raise $2,000. 100% of the proceeds will go to Hope for Haiti, one of the top agencies working on the ground to assist those affected by the devastating earthquake.

This was such a timely and thoughtful idea, Arts Enterprise Madison had to find a way to help them out. I can't think of a better example than this of how action-based, experiential learning can be channeled towards social good. UW-MTNA is also a strong ally in building an awareness of the need for artists to recognize their responsibility to society. In other words, how we can all use our art to serve and support those in need. So, AE Madison is sponsoring a reception, and working to build as big an audience as possible through our network in the community. Here are the details, and I hope you'll be able to join us for two evenings of wonderful music to help a very worthy cause:

Thursday, 02/04, Steinway Gallery of Madison, 7:15pm
(6629 Mineral Point Rd.)

Saturday, 02/13, Morphy Hall, UW Humanities Building, 6:30pm

With your help, we can raise $2,000! The concerts will include works by Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Copland, Berg and Chopin.

To read more about the event and UW-MTNA, click here. Hope to see you there!

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