Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter + Viva Santa Fe!

I'm finally back from the New Mexico-Texas excursion, which was laced with traveling drama, a national conference of unexpectedly rich research, and some cultural sight-seeing.

Taking a day to recover from the hectic MTNA schedule, we took advantage of our proximity to the famous Turquoise Trail and spent an afternoon cruising some of the most dramatic and beautiful scenery in North America. Whether you're an outdoors enthusiast, Wild West buff, or just plain curious, the 60 mile highway that traverses the western plains from northern Albuquerque to Santa Fe is well worth your time.

And the destination makes this fun day even more satisfying. Santa Fe has been embedded in my mind ever since I first saw it 7 years ago, seeing it again was a real treat. With a quaint historic center made up of winding pedestrian streets, this classic Western town boasts excellent weather, plenty of museums, fantasic cuisine, and, of course some of the best artwork in the U.S.

This equation amounts to probably one of the best 12-hour mini-vacations around. Three of our highlights:

Madrid, NM: This ghosty town has charm and quirkyness to spare. Double the fun if you make this stop on a motorcyle.
The Shed: Quintessential New Mex cuisine, and the best margheritas around (literally, there was nothing even close in Albuquerque). The blue corn quesadillas are a delight, and makes sure you try both the red and green chilis...a Shed specialty!
Marble Brewery: Actually founded on Marble Street in Albuqeurque, this Santa Fe location boasts 10 beers on tap (in rotation, but I recommend the Marble Red and Brown Ale) for those of age, a rooftop patio (with historic city center views), and made-to-order wood-fired flat-bread pizzas made with local ingredients. Viva Santa Fe!

Now on to Texas! It was great to have another week to hang out with Chris, and to see Denton after all these years. My foray in Tex-Mex cuisine continued, but I must say that each and every beer fanatic must visit a Flying Saucer (I think there are three in the Dallas-Fort Worth area). With an impressive list from around the world, and many local micros as well, this is THE place to hang and enjoy a night out with friends.

Oh, and the recital was a success...although recording mishaps plagued us again, but I'll try to salvage some data to post soon. Now I'm in Madison, enjoying the turning to Spring...and all the pleasures this great town has to offer!

Speaking of which, coming up next will be a special post devoted to the Wisconsin Film Festival, surely one of Madison's best annual events! Til then, Happy Easter to all!

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