Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Arts Roundup: Wisconsin Film Festival Edition

So I know I've gone off on a tangent in my recent posts, straying far from my original intention to form a dialogue on the current state of professional artistry and entrepreneurship in the arts. But I've been thinking lately about the importance of not only embracing a holistic palette of arts interests, but also of incorporating such a scope into the more specific discussion of how one becomes a fully-formed and independent artist in today's world.

This stems from two of my earliest memories which are coupled within the framework of artistic expression. I vividly remember seeing movies on VHS from the time I was a toddler (classic 80's fare like Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and all those Disney classics) that changed the way I viewed storytelling and led me to pursue early visual arts training (in drawing, sketching, painting, and even writing a few hack-comic books). During the same time, my exposure to music with my parents, Aunt, and Grandmother in our Toronto apartments (everything from Vivaldi and Dvorak to Creedence Clearwater Revival and the Beatles) obviously hit a chord (oops, sorry about that), igniting a passion for musicmaking. The first experience led to lifelong penchant for watching new (and often fringe) films, while the other has led me to a career! My tastes have changed, but it's hard to say omitting the one hobby in favor of the other profession could have been productive in the path my artistic pursuits have taken.

With that in mind, I'm excited to frame this Arts Roundup post around the Wisconsin Film Festival, one event that I look forward to year after year. (Note: please comment and add other non-film festival arts events that are coming up in April!) I finally have the time to see more than a couple of films, and I spent much of my time in the airport two weeks ago mulling over my options in the WI Film Fest edition of the Isthmus. Here are my six picks, although there are about 200 more that should fit anyone's fancy!

Father and Guns: 04/14 - 7:30pm @ Orpheum Main

One of the French Candian movies at this year's festival. I missed 2008's Bon Cop, Bad Cop but this comedy looks like it will provide an opportunity to redeem myself. This is not only one of the opening movies of WFF10, but also will be a Wisconsin premiere! C'est bon!

The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls: 04/15 - 6:00pm @ Orpheum Main

Much has already been written about this movie (Audience Award winner, 2009 Toronto Film Festival), and as a fan of documentaries this was a no-brainer. But I have another reason to see this film: during my time in New Zealand back in 2005 I read about the Topp Twins but never saw them in person. Can't wait to catch a glimpse of these enigmatic Kiwi legends, and to see more of Christchurch and Wellington.

The Host: 04/15 - 10:00pm @ Orpheum Main

When I saw Memories of Murder about two years ago, I knew I had stumbled upon another great South Korean director. Each of the installments of the four-film retrospective on Bong Joon-Ho at WFF10 are worth checking out, but this is a great entry to begin with (especially if you want to sample his work before committing to six additional hours of Joon-Ho's work). Also, I used to own about a dozen old Godzilla movies, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Harmony and Me: 04/16 - 7:45pm @ Wisconsin Union Theater

Will this be the 500 Days of Summer of 2010? I don't know, but this looks like an entertaining and different take on the classic 80's love story. The filmmakers should be present, so get ready for a post-film Q&A.

Sat. Afternoon Shorts: 04/17 - 3:00pm @ Play Circle

I love short films. Short stories too, but especially short films. These are always a highlight of the WFF, so, naturally, I had to include at least one set. While Monona Terrace is my favorite venue for shorts, I highly recommend going to the Play Circle to experience it's intimate setting for (at minimun) one film. Saturday afternoon includes everything from an essay on condiments, to the life of a fowl actor, to some excerpts of the Wisconsin's Own series.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 04/17 - 7:30pm @ Orpheum Main

This is the main event (or one of them). I've been reading about this movie for over a year, and it's finally in Madison! This Swedish thriller, based on the book by Stieg Larsson, is a good bet for "breakout" international film of 2010. It's being reviewed (mostly positively) across the U.S., and is being hailed for it's depth, style, and taut narrative. OK, so you don't HAVE to go to WFF to see it, as it may hit theaters later...but then it's an amazing experience to see a movie at the Orpheum Main Stage when it's packed to the walls (that means about 1,600 people)! Don't miss it!


To see all the films playing at this year's Wisconsin Film Festival, find showtimes, or order tickets, click here or on the logo at the top of this post.

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