Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March Musical Madness, Part 1.5: An Interlude

March 20th, 2010: Remember that great Steve Martin and John Candy movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"? It's one of my favorites, yet now that I am currently in the middle of such an experience, it's taking on a new meaning.

I won't bore you with all the details, but let's just say I'm never inclined to fly United again. Also, don't buy cheap tickets. More connections mean getting stuck in a city at 2am, with no hotel, no time to explore, no deodorant, toothpaste, or sleep. But it could be worse - my bags could be lost somewhe...actually, nevermind. Hence the lack of toiletries.

Anyways, at least I got to do two things I've never done before: miss the first two days of a national MTNA conference, and fight my way onto a Greyhound for an unexpected 7 hour roadtrip. OK, one of those is better than the other, but I'm trying to think positively here.

Hold on a sec, someone on the bus just asked me read his Prozac prescription for him so he wouldn't accidentally overdose...done. OK that makes three things I haven't done before. Wait, make that four, he just asked to borrow my water too.

Hmm, how do I top that? I don't know but this trip seems to have more surprises up it's sleeve. And now I can see the snow-capped Rockies in the distance. I'll let you know when I get on the train.

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