Friday, September 4, 2009

Starting Fresh: Update for 2009-10

Well, we are done with the first week of classes here at UW-Madison, and I'm happy to say it's been a productive and exciting summer! First and foremost, let me just say that the AE Summit was a huge success! Thanks to the wonderful work of Nate Z. and crew, Charles Workinger and I were able to get a strategic plan for 2009-10 designed and now, after brainstorming with Rachel and Morgann, we are ready to rock with several programs designed to facilitate innovative, empowering, and collaborative arts projects.

I've posted some pictures throughout of our fruitful and action-oriented weekend. In addition to the fun times, we also set the foundation for the launch of our NEW Guest Artist Series. For 2009-10 we've decided to explore the topic of "Sustainable Creativity", through a series of interactive Q&A's workshops, and panel discussions. We're bringing in artists and entrepreneurs from across the country to talk to students about what it means to create and sustain a viable career in the arts!

We're starting off with an open Q&A featuring NYC-based composer/singer/
songwriter Gabriel Kahane, who is best known for his work Craigslistlieder
(2006), a song-cycle which sets text from anonymous Craigslist adverts (check out Mr. Kahane's websiet for more info: This exciting event, FREE as always, will be held in Morphy Hall in the UW Humanities building on September 14th starting at 6pm. Don't miss it!

On that note, this blog will also serve a renewed purpose for the coming year, as I'll try my best to 'stay on the wagon' and post regularly not only about about exciting arts events, but also to talk about current issues that affect art and art-making. We'll also be adding (hopefully) some interviews with our guest artists, so that you can continue the dialogue after they've left Madison. Remember, we're eager to hear from you about what a 'creative and sustainable career' could mean for please post comments!

Next, let me say with great excitement that VIBES, our flagship program, is about to launch. What, exactly, is VIBES? Vital Instrumentation with Big Ensemble Sound (VIBES), the brainchild of our very own Charles Workinger and Rachel Felton, is a partnership with several Madison-area high schools and the UW-Madison School of Music, that will facilitate several events to promote small ensemble music. Through VIBES, UW student chamber musicians will mentor and coach emerging high school chamber ensembles in order to revitalize chamber music for younger audiences. You can read more about this amazing program here:

OK, thanks for reading all the way through this epic post. I promise two things: 1) that's it for now, and 2) future posts will be more frequent and shorter in length! Speaking of which, I'll be posting an Arts Roundup soon for the coming weeks arts events, so keep checking for that in the next few days. For now, have a great holiday, and remember, if you have something you'd like to pitch that I've missed, please do so!
Til then....

1 comment:

  1. you lied about "shorter in length" posts. How do we expect to trust you if you can't keep to your word. That is all for now...ok, I lied.
