Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 2009 News Roundup

Well the semester is winding down finally and I think it's safe to say we are all happy for the summer, and for the coming academic year. Arts Enterprise Madison had a whirlwind opening year, and one which boasted (in this completely unbiased opinion) many successes. We're well on our way towards establishing a more active network of collaborative rtists, entrepreneurs, and aspiring scholars in the Madison area but there is still so much left to do!

We plan to continue our Panel Discussion series for the 2009-10 season, but even more exciting is the VIBES program, designed by the 2009 Arts Venture Challenge Winners (and UW music students) Rachel Felton and Charles Workinger! They are on-board as group leaders for the forthcoming year, and we are immensely excited for their fresh, inspiring, and creative ideas... more on that to come.

Another exciting development is a new course being offered in conjunction with the UW Arts Institute, UW School of Music, and UW School of Business entitled: Arts Enterprise - Art as Business as Art! Co-taught by Profs. Stephanie Jutt and Andrew Taylor this promises to be an incredibly useful course for anyone interested planning on pursuing a career in the arts, and especially for those who identify with the concepts and vision behind Arts Enterprise!

For more information, check out:

With that note, all the best of luck for the summer and for the coming year! I'll be updating this blog over the summer months with a concrete list of events and activities for 2009-10 - and remember, feel free to post comments with any ideas, suggestions, or venturesome activities that might enhance the student experience here at UW-Madison.
